Friday, October 23, 2009

Obama takes someones elses paycheck

Here we go again. Not surprising that Obamas cronies are after the paycheck of corporate execs.

The banks, insurance companies and auto makers should never have been "bailed" out in the first place. But now that they have been bailed out, they need to be left alone to run their business without any government interference. Yes, they have a "loan" to pay to the federal government, but as long as that loan is being paid, these businesses need to be left alone.

The pay reduction of these corporate execs is just political pandering anyway. Does anyone think that taking 90% of ones 48 million dollar paycheck is going to do anything? So this guy is left with a 4.8 million dollar salary. I think he will manage. All this is doing is the Obama administration is trying to convince us Americans that the wonderful federal government is helping you and I against the evil big business.

Of course there is the argument that the execs were not doing their job or the bailouts would not have been necessary. Therefore they don't get paid until their business is running properly. I might be able to get on board with this as soon as the President, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid give up their paychecks seeing that they are not doing their job very well either.

Like I have said before, big business...small business there is no difference. How large would the outrage be if it was a small mom and pop business that was being "told" how much money that the family was allowed to make. So much for working hard. Look one step further...every working stiff in this country being told how much their check is "allowed" to be.

I can't wait until 2012...


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

More Health Care

More Health Care,

Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader was just live on TV spewing his far left, liberal, socialist crap again. Of course we are still talking about health care reform. You know, that reform that the MAJORITY of us Americans don't want.

He wants to limit the amount of profits that the insurance companies can make. Can you imagine if you opened a small family business and the government had the power to determine how much money you were allowed to make? Americans would be pissed. But, because some Americans have drank the liberal Kool-Aid, and were told that the insurance companies are too big, that they (government) must stop them. Big business, small business what is the difference?

I am not against health care reform like the Democrats would like you to believe. I am not a racist because I disagree with Obama's socialist tendencies. I would like to see my health care costs come down, but that will NOT happen with MORE government interference.
The government IS the problem that health care costs are high. We need to:

*Deregulate the insurance companies so that all Americans can buy health insurance across state lines like we buy car insurance.

*Tort Reform, Tort Reform, Tort Reform. Why isn't the left talking about tort reform. Because the major law firms all "donate" big dollars to democrats campaign funds. In turn the dems don't pass tort reform. Don't get me wrong, the Republicans are just as bad. It is just that the Republicans are in bed with the insurance companies. But, for now with the dems in power, we will never get tort reform.

* All of the other topics like portability and preexisting conditions can be written with about 30 pages of reform. Not 1000 pages of crap!
