Friday, October 23, 2009

Obama takes someones elses paycheck

Here we go again. Not surprising that Obamas cronies are after the paycheck of corporate execs.

The banks, insurance companies and auto makers should never have been "bailed" out in the first place. But now that they have been bailed out, they need to be left alone to run their business without any government interference. Yes, they have a "loan" to pay to the federal government, but as long as that loan is being paid, these businesses need to be left alone.

The pay reduction of these corporate execs is just political pandering anyway. Does anyone think that taking 90% of ones 48 million dollar paycheck is going to do anything? So this guy is left with a 4.8 million dollar salary. I think he will manage. All this is doing is the Obama administration is trying to convince us Americans that the wonderful federal government is helping you and I against the evil big business.

Of course there is the argument that the execs were not doing their job or the bailouts would not have been necessary. Therefore they don't get paid until their business is running properly. I might be able to get on board with this as soon as the President, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid give up their paychecks seeing that they are not doing their job very well either.

Like I have said before, big business...small business there is no difference. How large would the outrage be if it was a small mom and pop business that was being "told" how much money that the family was allowed to make. So much for working hard. Look one step further...every working stiff in this country being told how much their check is "allowed" to be.

I can't wait until 2012...


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