Saturday, August 15, 2009

I am mad as he**

The political atmosphere in this country is driving me nuts. Not just the current disaster, but the previous disaster as well. I DO NOT consider myself a Republican or a Democrat. The closest that I can come up with is a Conservative Independent. The current "hot topic" is wether we AMERICANS want socialized, government run health care. I can't believe the number of people that want that option. We are talking about a group of politicians in Washington that can't even run "cash for clunkers" without messing it up. And these people think that they can handle cancer! Yea Right! Barrack Obama just said the public option won't put private insurance companies out of business. He compared the public/private system with the US Post office and FedEx/UPS. Saying that FedEx/UPS has been competing with the government for a long time. If this is the best that the President of the United States can come up with, God help all of us! The US Post office is a disaster that has been running out of money and being subsidized by tax dollars since it's inception. Have you ever waited in post office to mail a letter? These are the same people that want to deliver babies and treat cancer. What a joke!

I believe that there are some things wrong with the system, but it doesn't take a government takeover to fix them. It takes our elected officials working for US!!! Not working for special interest groups and lobbyists! One of the biggest costs in health care is malpractice insurance. Malpractice has many layers of cost associated with it. First: The lousy, good for nothing, ambulance chasing attorneys that sue doctors and hospitals for stupid stuff. Second: The lazy, good for nothings that will gladly sue in hopes of getting some money for nothing. Third: The lobbyists that are using the monies that the attorneys win to influence politicians to not put TORT REFORM on the plate in Washington. Fourth: The damn politicians that take the monies from the lobbyists to live the elitist life style that they live while we get screwed. Fifth: The politicians that are also attorneys that are married to lobbyist. (John Edwards) You can see the problem.

The only option is term limits on the politicians that are suppose to work for us, but won't. But, the very people that have to vote in term limits are the very ones that that the term limits will affect. A problem? YES! The solution. Vote ALL of them out of office. Everytime that you go to the voting booth, find the incumbent and vote for the other guy. Then, over the course of six years we will have a brand new congress. A congress of "normal" people like us. Not career politicians. Then after they are voted out of the House or the Senate, these "normal" people will have to come back to a job in the real world with the rest of us. They will have to live under the same laws that us "normal" people have to live under. Maybe then, the representatives in Washington will pass laws that make since for you and me. Not their special interest groups or lobbyist. I want all of the politicians in Washington to give up their health care plan and test drive the one that they are trying to cram down our throats before they force it on me. If you are interested check out:

Maybe win my blood pressure goes down I will rant about the deficit, the blatant media attacks on Christianity, the second ammendment, public education, Nancy Pelosi or any of the other topics that have been making my head explode lateley. Get the Duck Tape! Thanks Glenn Beck!


1 comment:

  1. This all sounds familiar...I think I've heard it before. :)
    I love you!!!
