Sunday, August 30, 2009



I am so tired of these types being held to such a high regard by our (not so) mainstream media. I do not consider myself a mean spirited or hateful person, and I do feel for the families that have lost a loved one.

I am sick and tired of hearing about Michael Jackson's life, death, dancing, music or whatever. The guy was a sick pedophile that liked to "sleep" with little boys. I know, I know he was never found guilty. But, he wasn't found innocent either. I don't believe for one second that he was innocent. Just that he had enough money to make the problem go away. And this guy was suppose to be role model for tweens. BLAH!

Ted Kennedy. Here is another fine example of the very tall ivory tower that the media puts these people in. Let see what kind of "great" American Ted Kennedy was:

*Expelled from Harvard twice for cheating
*Enlisted in the army. (that part was good) But used his father and his fathers name to get his enlistment shortened so that he didn't have to serve in Korea. Then, bashed W. for the same thing. What a hypocrite!
*As the head of the ethics committee, he bailed out his nephews that were accused of rape.
*Is the leader of most amnesty programs. What ever happened to swearing to defend the USA from foreign and DOMESTIC enemies.
*Has tried to put in place countless socialist programs including working on government run health care since the 60's.
*And then of course there is Chappaquiddick. Has this little scar been mentioned in the news? Of course not! I would think that killing your girlfriend in a car accident, while driving drunk, and not reporting the accident until the next day should prevent you from running for President or holding a Senate seat. How about holding a seat in a jail cell? Noooo he is a Kennedy! BLAH!

Michael Vick. This guy is a dirt bag! Football and baseball stars are suppose to heroes to our kids. But the NFL thought that it was a good idea to let this guy play football again. He did serve his time and pay his debt to society, but I don't believe for a second that he is "sorry" for what he did. But under know circumstances should this guy be a role model....ever! I sent my email to the NFL commissioner letting them know that I will "NEVER" watch another NFL game! Period! I am just one, but if millions would do the same, maybe we could change things.

I feel better now,


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