Friday, November 20, 2009

pre-existing democrats...

I wish that I could buy car insurance AFTER I had been in an automobile accident. Think about it. You could drive around as recklessly and as dangerously as you want. All the while not having to pay a single red cent for insurance. That money could be used on other things, right? Then the day after I get into an accident, find out how much it will cost to fix my car, cost to fix the other drivers car, cost for my hospital visit and the cost of the other folks hospital visits, then go but the appropriate amount of car insurance.

You are now thinking one of two things: either I am a genius or I am crazy. A genius because what I just said makes perfect since. Why buy something that I don't need yet? Or, crazy because the insurance is suppose to be there just in case. That is why it is called insurance.

If we don't buy the insurance until after the accident, the insurance companies then would go out of business. That would be bad. Right?

Well, the Democrats want us all to believe that these nasty insurance companies are being cruel and mean and need to be regulated more because they don't want to sell health insurance to someone with a pre-existing condition. (a pre-existing car wreck)

I think that it would be great to eat all the fatty food that I want, smoke all the cigarettes that I want, lie on the couch all day and get heart disease and cancer, THEN be able to buy my health insurance. Women, how would you like to not pay for health care, get pregnant and THEN buy the health insurance.

I would say something like: "when is America going to wake up and see the loss of our country. It is happening right on front of us." But, according to the polls, America is waking up. The vast majority of the polls show that the vast majority of Americans are against a government run health care system. It is just that most of the politicians don't care what "We the People" want.


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