Friday, November 20, 2009

Harry Reid want more of your money

We found out today (thru online news sources) that Senate Majority leader Harry Reid added a 100 Million dollar addition to the Senates health care bill. The corruption goes something like this:

Mary Landrieu, democrat senator from the great state of Louisiana was going to vote no on the health care bill. The problem with that is Harry Reid needs ALL of the Democrat senators (60 of them) to vote yes since not a single Republican or Independent is going to vote yes.

Two pages were added to the Health care bill that would provide 100 million plus dollars to States that have been declared to have been in a state of emergency sometime in the past seven years. I believe these pages require the entire state to be effected. Guess what, the ONLY state that fits all of the criteria is, you guessed it, Louisiana. I will be keeping a close eye on Mary Landrieu's voting records.

The bigger problem...What in H#$% does any of that have to do with health care. You got it...NOT A DAMN THING! More proof that this so called health care bill is nothing but a power grab by the left.


pre-existing democrats...

I wish that I could buy car insurance AFTER I had been in an automobile accident. Think about it. You could drive around as recklessly and as dangerously as you want. All the while not having to pay a single red cent for insurance. That money could be used on other things, right? Then the day after I get into an accident, find out how much it will cost to fix my car, cost to fix the other drivers car, cost for my hospital visit and the cost of the other folks hospital visits, then go but the appropriate amount of car insurance.

You are now thinking one of two things: either I am a genius or I am crazy. A genius because what I just said makes perfect since. Why buy something that I don't need yet? Or, crazy because the insurance is suppose to be there just in case. That is why it is called insurance.

If we don't buy the insurance until after the accident, the insurance companies then would go out of business. That would be bad. Right?

Well, the Democrats want us all to believe that these nasty insurance companies are being cruel and mean and need to be regulated more because they don't want to sell health insurance to someone with a pre-existing condition. (a pre-existing car wreck)

I think that it would be great to eat all the fatty food that I want, smoke all the cigarettes that I want, lie on the couch all day and get heart disease and cancer, THEN be able to buy my health insurance. Women, how would you like to not pay for health care, get pregnant and THEN buy the health insurance.

I would say something like: "when is America going to wake up and see the loss of our country. It is happening right on front of us." But, according to the polls, America is waking up. The vast majority of the polls show that the vast majority of Americans are against a government run health care system. It is just that most of the politicians don't care what "We the People" want.


Friday, October 23, 2009

Obama takes someones elses paycheck

Here we go again. Not surprising that Obamas cronies are after the paycheck of corporate execs.

The banks, insurance companies and auto makers should never have been "bailed" out in the first place. But now that they have been bailed out, they need to be left alone to run their business without any government interference. Yes, they have a "loan" to pay to the federal government, but as long as that loan is being paid, these businesses need to be left alone.

The pay reduction of these corporate execs is just political pandering anyway. Does anyone think that taking 90% of ones 48 million dollar paycheck is going to do anything? So this guy is left with a 4.8 million dollar salary. I think he will manage. All this is doing is the Obama administration is trying to convince us Americans that the wonderful federal government is helping you and I against the evil big business.

Of course there is the argument that the execs were not doing their job or the bailouts would not have been necessary. Therefore they don't get paid until their business is running properly. I might be able to get on board with this as soon as the President, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid give up their paychecks seeing that they are not doing their job very well either.

Like I have said before, big business...small business there is no difference. How large would the outrage be if it was a small mom and pop business that was being "told" how much money that the family was allowed to make. So much for working hard. Look one step further...every working stiff in this country being told how much their check is "allowed" to be.

I can't wait until 2012...


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

More Health Care

More Health Care,

Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader was just live on TV spewing his far left, liberal, socialist crap again. Of course we are still talking about health care reform. You know, that reform that the MAJORITY of us Americans don't want.

He wants to limit the amount of profits that the insurance companies can make. Can you imagine if you opened a small family business and the government had the power to determine how much money you were allowed to make? Americans would be pissed. But, because some Americans have drank the liberal Kool-Aid, and were told that the insurance companies are too big, that they (government) must stop them. Big business, small business what is the difference?

I am not against health care reform like the Democrats would like you to believe. I am not a racist because I disagree with Obama's socialist tendencies. I would like to see my health care costs come down, but that will NOT happen with MORE government interference.
The government IS the problem that health care costs are high. We need to:

*Deregulate the insurance companies so that all Americans can buy health insurance across state lines like we buy car insurance.

*Tort Reform, Tort Reform, Tort Reform. Why isn't the left talking about tort reform. Because the major law firms all "donate" big dollars to democrats campaign funds. In turn the dems don't pass tort reform. Don't get me wrong, the Republicans are just as bad. It is just that the Republicans are in bed with the insurance companies. But, for now with the dems in power, we will never get tort reform.

* All of the other topics like portability and preexisting conditions can be written with about 30 pages of reform. Not 1000 pages of crap!


Sunday, August 30, 2009



I am so tired of these types being held to such a high regard by our (not so) mainstream media. I do not consider myself a mean spirited or hateful person, and I do feel for the families that have lost a loved one.

I am sick and tired of hearing about Michael Jackson's life, death, dancing, music or whatever. The guy was a sick pedophile that liked to "sleep" with little boys. I know, I know he was never found guilty. But, he wasn't found innocent either. I don't believe for one second that he was innocent. Just that he had enough money to make the problem go away. And this guy was suppose to be role model for tweens. BLAH!

Ted Kennedy. Here is another fine example of the very tall ivory tower that the media puts these people in. Let see what kind of "great" American Ted Kennedy was:

*Expelled from Harvard twice for cheating
*Enlisted in the army. (that part was good) But used his father and his fathers name to get his enlistment shortened so that he didn't have to serve in Korea. Then, bashed W. for the same thing. What a hypocrite!
*As the head of the ethics committee, he bailed out his nephews that were accused of rape.
*Is the leader of most amnesty programs. What ever happened to swearing to defend the USA from foreign and DOMESTIC enemies.
*Has tried to put in place countless socialist programs including working on government run health care since the 60's.
*And then of course there is Chappaquiddick. Has this little scar been mentioned in the news? Of course not! I would think that killing your girlfriend in a car accident, while driving drunk, and not reporting the accident until the next day should prevent you from running for President or holding a Senate seat. How about holding a seat in a jail cell? Noooo he is a Kennedy! BLAH!

Michael Vick. This guy is a dirt bag! Football and baseball stars are suppose to heroes to our kids. But the NFL thought that it was a good idea to let this guy play football again. He did serve his time and pay his debt to society, but I don't believe for a second that he is "sorry" for what he did. But under know circumstances should this guy be a role model....ever! I sent my email to the NFL commissioner letting them know that I will "NEVER" watch another NFL game! Period! I am just one, but if millions would do the same, maybe we could change things.

I feel better now,


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"OF The People"

"Of The People"

The crazy lefty idea that the 2nd amendment doesn't protect an individuals right to bear arms is just, well, crazy!

The second amendment to OUR Constitution says:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Now, Obama's friends will try to tell you that the above was put into place to allow the States to form the National Guard by quoting the part about a well regulated militia... The problem that they run into is the little part that says "Of The People." I don't know where Obama's friends, including Judge Sotomayor, took English class. But when I took English, commas were used to separate thoughts and ideas. There is another problem that the crazy lefties just can't argue their way around. EVERY WHERE else in the constitution, "Of The People" grants an individual person a right. Throughout the constitution words like power and authority are used to determine government powers. You also have to ask yourself, if the 2nd amendment was put into place to guarantee that people in the armed services were guaranteed a gun, then why don't the cooks that aren't given a gun having their constitutional rights broken? Why can't these cooks demand a gun? And if we don't have to give EVERY member of the armed forces a gun, AND if doesn't apply "to the people", then why does the 2nd even exist? Did James Madison just feel like writing a worthless amendment? As I started, the lefties in this country are crazy!

If you are not only a gun supporter, but a supporter of YOUR constitutional rights, then join the NRA today. PLEASE! Even if you are not a gun enthusiast, WE THE PEOPLE need to protect our rights. Once one right is gone, the rest will be easier to take away! Take a look at The price of membership is minor compared to the Czar's in Washington walking all over OUR freedoms. Remember that the government works FOR us. NOT the other way around!


Saturday, August 15, 2009

I am mad as he**

The political atmosphere in this country is driving me nuts. Not just the current disaster, but the previous disaster as well. I DO NOT consider myself a Republican or a Democrat. The closest that I can come up with is a Conservative Independent. The current "hot topic" is wether we AMERICANS want socialized, government run health care. I can't believe the number of people that want that option. We are talking about a group of politicians in Washington that can't even run "cash for clunkers" without messing it up. And these people think that they can handle cancer! Yea Right! Barrack Obama just said the public option won't put private insurance companies out of business. He compared the public/private system with the US Post office and FedEx/UPS. Saying that FedEx/UPS has been competing with the government for a long time. If this is the best that the President of the United States can come up with, God help all of us! The US Post office is a disaster that has been running out of money and being subsidized by tax dollars since it's inception. Have you ever waited in post office to mail a letter? These are the same people that want to deliver babies and treat cancer. What a joke!

I believe that there are some things wrong with the system, but it doesn't take a government takeover to fix them. It takes our elected officials working for US!!! Not working for special interest groups and lobbyists! One of the biggest costs in health care is malpractice insurance. Malpractice has many layers of cost associated with it. First: The lousy, good for nothing, ambulance chasing attorneys that sue doctors and hospitals for stupid stuff. Second: The lazy, good for nothings that will gladly sue in hopes of getting some money for nothing. Third: The lobbyists that are using the monies that the attorneys win to influence politicians to not put TORT REFORM on the plate in Washington. Fourth: The damn politicians that take the monies from the lobbyists to live the elitist life style that they live while we get screwed. Fifth: The politicians that are also attorneys that are married to lobbyist. (John Edwards) You can see the problem.

The only option is term limits on the politicians that are suppose to work for us, but won't. But, the very people that have to vote in term limits are the very ones that that the term limits will affect. A problem? YES! The solution. Vote ALL of them out of office. Everytime that you go to the voting booth, find the incumbent and vote for the other guy. Then, over the course of six years we will have a brand new congress. A congress of "normal" people like us. Not career politicians. Then after they are voted out of the House or the Senate, these "normal" people will have to come back to a job in the real world with the rest of us. They will have to live under the same laws that us "normal" people have to live under. Maybe then, the representatives in Washington will pass laws that make since for you and me. Not their special interest groups or lobbyist. I want all of the politicians in Washington to give up their health care plan and test drive the one that they are trying to cram down our throats before they force it on me. If you are interested check out:

Maybe win my blood pressure goes down I will rant about the deficit, the blatant media attacks on Christianity, the second ammendment, public education, Nancy Pelosi or any of the other topics that have been making my head explode lateley. Get the Duck Tape! Thanks Glenn Beck!
